I have decided on this photo to be my
front page image on my college magazine, rather than the rest I had taken, because it relates the most to my initial ideas of what I want the magazine to be about.
The image is of the model holding a text book, however it has a checklist on the paper in front- hence why I have got her to carry a pen to represent 'checking things off' the list.
My final front cover picture goes well with the magazine as its
target audience is for Year 12 students, helping them out with how to handle the year. The model in the image looks happy with all that she's accomplished from the to- do list in her hand; this encourages others that they can bet through work if they were to, for example, make a list too.
I have chosen to have this picture incorporated in the contents of the college magazine because it's mise en scene is in the common room, presenting that it's possible to work on subjects whilst being around other people in the year group. |
In the contents page, I'll include this image because it shows that yes there is a lot of work that needs to be done in Year 12 but there are times when it can be completed whilst being with friends; enabling you to help one another. |
This image will be inside my contents page because it does connect to my title but
it also shows that there are still times when
students might have completed all work needed
and are then able to actually be with friends and
have fun.
I've included this image of the model walking up a staircase as it not only represents my masthead 'Step Up' but it also links to what my magazine is about: going up to the next level from GCSE to A Levels.
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