Friday, 7 October 2016

PRELIM TASK: Audience Feedback

I created a PowerPoint slideshow consisting of some feedback I have received from some peers who met my target audience. I had sent images of my final front cover and contents page to them and asked for their opinions or I handed the final printed copies and asked for them to video their responses.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

PRELIM TASK: Final Products and Cohension

This is the final front cover of my college magazine called 'Step Up.' I'm happy with the finished product because whilst producing this, I learnt new skills such as how to use photoshop. Also, I'm proud of what I've made considering the time given for me to do it was limited. As a first attempt at constructing a college magazine, the things I included are valid and link together well such as the coverlines and my chosen feature colours: black and pink.
The things I would improve on my college magazine however, is definitely my attention to detail; such as lining the text up neatly and making certain sections stand out more than others, being different to other products.

Here is the final of the contents page to my college magazine. It links successfully to the front cover due to the feature colours being the same on both pages, the fonts of text included and the fact that I've included the masthead again but in a smaller size on the page as well. Also, my choice of a white background is on the front cover and the contents page. Because of these features, my contents page can easily be identified from belonging to the same magazine as the cover page.
I'm happy with the final product because it meets my target audience's needs well as I've mentioned articles included within the magazine which are actually relevant to what the product is about.
I could definitely improve on specific details on the page such as typos and preventing from stretching the images which changes the shape of the model's faces.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

PRELIM TASK: Contents Page Layout

Here is my final layout of my contents page compared with the flat plan I had produced. This shows what changes I had made and why but also the features on the page that I decided to keep the same when making it.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

PRELIM TASK: Finishing Touches to My Contents Page

To finish off the layout of the contents page, I chose to ask for people's opinions on what they thought might need improving. The major thing which needed editing was the small empty space in the top left hand corner (shown in the first image). Also, the font I used for 'Step Up', appearing at the very top of the page, didn't quite fit nicely and looked odd. With this feedback, I came up with the idea of copying the font used for the masthead on the front cover of the magazine, to also be used for the small 'Step Up' text in the contents page. After, I turned the text to be sideways and moved it to the empty space. This instantly made my contents page look fuller. Completing the contents page, I increased the size of the text saying 'contents' so that it would be more in line with the name of my magazine (shown in images two and three).
Furthermore, to improve the college magazine contents page even more, I changed the font of the text to the same as one I had used for a coverline on the front cover, I did this because it makes both the front page and contents to link and easily be identified as being from the same magazine.

PRELIM TASK: Changes in Front Cover Fonts

After asking my peers about what they thought of my produced front cover to my college magazine, I received some helpful feedback about the fonts I had used on it. From this, I decided to make the last changes to ensure that the magazine meets my target audience successfully.

Monday, 3 October 2016

PRELIM TASK: Cover Layout Decisions

I changed the layout of the cover of my college magazine 'Step Up' in many aspects such as the positioning of the model, where the coverlines/ graphics would go and the anchor.
In the flat plan I had produced, drafting what the image on the cover would look like, the model had been sitting down at a desk full of work. However, I wanted to change the fact that they would have appeared to be struggling with the step up to A Levels, into an image of the model being happy and dealing with the adjustment. I managed to do that by getting the model to hold a checklist and smiling- showing how glad she is that she's done everything needed to be done and is doing well.
Due to the difference in front cover image, I therefore had to change the layout of where my coverlines, pull quote and graphics would be. I did this by going along with the feature colours (black and pink), ensuring that the text included was clear and easy to read. Along with this, because the actions being shown in the flat plan are different to the final image, I therefore came up with a different anchor to connect to the new photo.
Apart from the changes mentioned above, everything else I had kept the same in the final cover of my college magazine: the masthead and where it's positioned, the position of the anchor and the mid- close up shot of the model.

Sunday, 2 October 2016

PRELIM TASK: College Magazine Background Decison

Here I explained the difference between using the background of the picture I had taken on the front cover of my college magazine to cutting the model out of the image and placing it on photoshop. 

Thursday, 29 September 2016

PRELIM TASK: Font Decisions

This is a PowerPoint on why I chose certain fonts and colours to use on the front page of my college magazine. Enjoy!

PRELIM TASK: Final Front and Contents Page Images

I have decided on this photo to be my front page image on my college magazine, rather than the rest I had taken, because it relates the most to my initial ideas of what I want the magazine to be about.
The image is of the model holding a text book, however it has a checklist on the paper in front- hence why I have got her to carry a pen to represent 'checking things off' the list.
My final front cover picture goes well with the magazine as its target audience is for Year 12 students, helping them out with how to handle the year. The model in the image looks happy with all that she's accomplished from the to- do list in her hand; this encourages others that they can bet through work if they were to, for example, make a list too.


I have chosen to have this picture incorporated
in the contents of the college magazine
because it's mise en scene is in the
common room, presenting that it's possible to
work on subjects whilst being around
other people in the year group.

In the contents page, I'll include this image
because it shows that yes there is a
lot of work that needs to be done in
Year 12 but there are times when
it can be completed whilst
being with friends; enabling you to
help one another. 
This image will be inside my contents
page because it does connect to my title but

it also shows that there are still times when 
students might have completed all work needed
and are then able to actually be with friends and 
have fun. 

I've included this image of the model
walking up a staircase
as it not only represents my masthead 'Step Up'
but it also links to  what my magazine is about:
going up to the next level
from GCSE to A Levels.

PRELIM TASK: Consent Forms

This is a collage of the model's I have used pictured with their consent forms.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016


 Here are my initial ideas on what I want my front cover and contents page to look like:


 These are showing what camera shots and angles the model in my magazine cover and contents page could look like. It includes a range of different types of camera angles and shots which all contribute to making my magazine meet the needs of my target audience.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

PRELIM TASK: Reader Profile

This is Tyler. She's just started Year 12 and has chosen to study Media, Photography, Economics and History. She enjoys going to karate and editing photographs/ producing videos. In her spare time, Tyler also likes to listen and discover new music.
She has a creative learning style, so finds it best to understand and remember if making things are included; hence why photography and media two subjects she had chose as they both contain a very creative element.
Tyler's found the change of lessons and word load to be very different from what she was used to whilst doing her GCSE's. This made her have to adjust to doing her A Levels and successfully did this by managing her time appropriately and ensuring that all work is complete. She's become used to the routine of Sixth Form.
Now Tyler's goals for after the two years at college are to start working and ideally become a victorious photographer.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

This is a Prezi explaining my initial ideas of the college magazine I will be producing and my thoughts on the project. Enjoy!

Deconstruction Of A Front Page UK Music Magazine

This is a deconstruction of a music magazine front cover which I have annotated the key features included. For example, the feature colours are quite simple which I personally like as it stands out more to me due to it being organised and not all over the place. This front page is successful to its target audience of mostly teenagers or young adults who have a love for music because it's clear as to what is inside the magazine.